1. Tissue-like macroporous bioelectronics for chronically stable and seamless brain-machine interface
PNAS 114, (2017): 5894-5899.
Journal of Visualized Experiments 137, (2018): e58003.
Current Opinion in Neurobiology 50, (2018): 33–41.
Nano Letters 19, (2019): 4180−4187.
Nature Materials 18, (2019): 510–517.
2. Novel brain probes for chronic recording of the brain at single-neuron level
Nano Letters 15, (2015): 6979-6984.
Nature Methods 13, (2016): 875–882.
PNAS 114, (2017): E10046-E10055.
Science 360, (2018): 1447-1451.
Journal of Visualized Experiments 137, (2018): e58003.
Current Opinion in Neurobiology 50, (2018): 33–41.
Nano Letters 19, (2019): 4180−4187.
Nature Materials 18, (2019): 510–517.
3. Novel bioelectronics for spinal cord neuron recording and stimulation in vivo with reduced invasiveness
4. Novel materials and fabrication method for bioelectronic interface
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